Investing has become more popular than ever recently. Many people have realized how they can make their money work for them instead of the other way around, and are trying to invest properly in order to build their own wealth. Many of these people have never invested before, and investing can be difficult and stressful if you’re not sure what you’re doing. That’s where TED Talks come in. Some of the world’s strongest investors have given TED Talks discussing the topic and helping motivate others to go out there and get rich using the power of investing. But which TED Talks on this subject are the most worth watching? Lets’ take a look.
The Investment Logic For Sustainability – Chris McKnett
Due to the increasing number of people who are concerned about the environment, Chris McKnett’s TED Talk is very relevant right now. As a senior investment strategist for Wells Fargo, he is responsible for overseeing the company’s social, environmental, and governance investments. In his talk, he discussed the investment logic behind investing in sustainable assets. He believes that by supporting sustainable solutions and investing in companies that are committed to improving the environment, both the planet and investors can benefit.
How I Learned To Read – And Trade Stocks – In Prison – Curtis Carroll
When he was 17 years old, Curtis “Wall Street” Carroll was sent to prison for life. While he was there, he learned how to read and trade stocks, and he used this knowledge to help others. In his talk, he discusses how learning about the stock market also taught him responsibility and how he later established a financial literacy organization for others in order to make sure others could easily learn the things he had learned.
How Does The Stock Market Work? – Oliver Elfenbaum
In Oliver’s TED Talk, he discusses how the stock market works, which is likely what any newcomer to investing is dying to know. He went all the way back to the 1600s in order to help listeners fully understand. He will teach you everything you need to know to make an informed decision when it comes to investing such as supply & demand, the variables that affect a stock’s performance, as well as how investing can impact a business’s chances of success. This talk will give you new insight into the stock market, likely increasing your confidence in how you decide to invest going forward.